Saturday, March 29, 2003



Breakfast and lunch today. Was pretty simple, even though I was brain dead because I only got about three very broken hours of sleep the night before. JOY! Only work breakfast tomorrow. MORE JOY!


Saw the movie "I Shot Andy Warhol" a few nights ago. Great movie! Boy, was Valerie Solanas a psycho or what? Great movie none the less. Lili Taylor was great in this movie. She is actually on the list of famous people I've served food to. She answered the door of the Waterfall Presidential Suit when I worked at Loew's Ventana Canyon Resort. It was Johny Depp's room but she was the one who answered the door. Think I said, "Sing me a song about Joe." She giggled. Had to do with the movie "Say Anything" where she plays this rock and roll chick who writes all these songs about her ex-boyfriend Joe. That was back in the 80's.


Josie's mom is just fine. She didn't actually have a stroke, but was very close. Guess her blood pressure was through the roof! Good thing they caught it in time. She's on medication now so that is a good thing. You might notice a little difference in the text of this page now. I'm using the HTML Composer in Mozilla to edit the text and everything. I'm an idiot and never even thought of it until today for some reason. I was inserting HTML code manually. This should look a whole lot cleaner and be a whole lot easier on me.

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