Monday, January 27, 2020


I have been a bit too much as of late. I love my pets, but I bopped two of them too hard the past few days. I hit The Bean and Monkey both on the head, and harder than I wanted too. Both bit me. Bean, in a fight with her sister Pookie, and I tried to break it up. I bopped her on the head to get her to stop. Monkey, bit my hand because He does it when you pet him sometimes. He gets so into it that he ends up doing a bite. He knows he isn't supposed to, but will do it anyway. So, I got both of them, in a matter of a day or so. I am so ashamed of this that I've sat here crying over it. They both know I love them, but I hate the fact that I hit them in any capacity. I don't think I will do it ever again. This has caused me more pain and self hatred than I can even admit. It makes me hate myself. I don't deserve to have such fine entities living here.