Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Just sitting here in self pity. Where was mine? What was all the self sacrifice for? I missed too many chances for the sake of what I thought was right. Was that the right choice? Is there an alternate reality where I live happily ever after? The final answer for all questions left unanswered.... I don't know.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020


I don't remember ever feeling so isolated in my entire life. Religion, politics, friends, family, life. I know it comes down to me. I got sick. I almost died. I can no longer work. Going out is dangerous for my health, and with this virus starting to grab hold, and I'm in one of the states that is now reporting it's spread, my options are limited. I'm tired of living, feeling, thinking, crying. Someone shoot me in the head, make it stop. The only thing keeping me alive are my pets. They have an unconditional love. It's the ONLY reason.