Monday, January 07, 2008


As I think back, I have a few things to say. Kids, listen to me when I say this.....

having babies and doing drugs is not a good idea. Please, don't do either!

Which brings me to my tiny inappropriate rant. Is it just me, or has America gotten so fat that you can't tell the difference between chubby females and pregnant females? I can't any longer. And, this is coming from a guy who isn't skinny. So, I'm not being a hater and I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just wondering if my judgment is off....


Why, for fucks sake, do only guys or old women try to pick up on me? Seriously! I'm not saying the occasional compatible woman hasn't, but nine out of ten times it's either a gay guy or a much older woman. When does this chick try and pick me up?

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